Unique Design Features

Focusing on room quality & efficiency


Flexible Interior & Minimum Remaining Space

  • Open plan room structure between family room, dining room, and kitchen creates a flexible space and seems more spacious.
  • Maximizing the efficiency of the spatial shape so as to reduce the appearance of remaining space / negative space.

Optimal Aerial System

  • Optimal airing with a combination of open space on the front and back sides.
  • Placement of openings that optimize the flow of continuous air circulation from outside - inside - outside.
  • Regular spatial arrangement maximizes good air circulation in each inner chamber.
  • Public areas with high ceilings and upper wall openings in YURI, AJISAI, and TSUBAKI type houses for the release of hot air on the ceiling make the house cooler.

Optimal Door & Window Openings

  • Optimizing the opening of doors and windows in each room, to maximize natural light entering the room.
  • There are openings for the entry of sunlight as well as openings for air flow in a 1-floor house.
  • Maximizing the vertical window area of the 2-floor house creates the impression of a wider space by expanding the view and visibility of users of the inner space to the outside space.
  • Optimal natural lighting, allowing electrical energy savings during the day.

Space For Expansion

  • In a 1-floor house (type YURI - AJISAI - TSUBAKI) the public space has a ceiling height that allows the addition of a mezzanine floor, which can be used as storage, work space, relaxing/recreational room, or reading room according to the needs of the residents of the house.
  • In a 2-floor house (type SAKURA - HIMAWARI), the backyard is prepared for additional space (horizontally) according to the needs of future residents.

Transition Room / Foyer / Genkan in Japan

  • Foyer is a reception room and a transition room between the outside space leading to the main room in a house.
  • Foyer, in a traditional Japanese house called Genkan, can function as a storage, storage area for shoes, a place to hang coats, bags, umbrellas and keys.
  • Foyer is a very multifunctional space. The foyer can be used for a temporary waiting area, a place to display decorative objects such as pottery, flowers, or artwork that add to the aesthetic value of the house, as well as a place to prepare occupant equipment before entering and leaving the house.
*Except AJISAI type, there is no foyer

Maid Services Area

  • 2-floors house provide its own maid service area for the convenience of residents who have household assistants.
  • The HIMAWARI type provides a maid service area with a separate entrance from the main entrance

Feature Highlights


Backyard Illustration

Tipe Asagao - Satsuki - Fuji - Cosmos

  • Has a backyard that can be used as a growth room.
  • Spacious backyard as a park and relaxing area for residents.
  • Optimal lighting and window door openings.
  • Location is more premium, close to the park / located in the central area.
  • Has a separate maid service area.

High Ceiling Illustration

Tipe Tsutsuji - Ayame - Yuzu

  • High ceiling supports the quality of air in public spaces, so the room becomes cooler and comfortable.
  • High ceiling gives room for expansion (mezzanine) so that it can meet the needs of occupant space which is increasing in the future.
  • Has high space efficiency, open plan design between family room, dining room and kitchen.

Unit Type

Functional & modern house

Quality Material

To create solid, beautiful &
comfortable building

Tiang pancang/ Tapak beton

Lightweight steel roof truss. Concrete roof tile cover.

Double brick. Cement plester. Paint finishing.

Bath Room

Gypsum board. GRC board. Paint finishing.

Homogeneous Tile

Listrik | Air
PLN: Yuzu 1300 VA, Fuji/Ayame/Cosmos/Tsutsuji        2200 VA, Satsuki/Asagao 3500 VA
Water treatment/PDAM


Door Window
UPVC sills. Engineering outer door. Wood door duko paint inside. Dekson accessories.

*Adapted to soil conditions



Disclaimer: Brochures or parts of this brochure are marketing and sales tools. The contents are made carefully and thoroughly and are not part of the sales contract. All images and rendering functions are illustrative to clarify the delivery of information. Design and specifications are subject to change at any time according to field conditions and are the full rights of the developer.